Frontiers in Planetary and Stellar Magnetism Through High Performance Computing#


The data found here was generated as part of the Frontiers in Planetary and Stellar Magnetism Through High Performance Computing project as part of the Geodynamo Working Group of the Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics (CIG ). Computational time on Mira and support was provided through the DOE INCITE project. More information about this project can be found on the project page.


The data for these magnetohydorodynamics (MHD) simulations were generated by the 3-D pseudospectral convection code Rayleigh.

The data consists of two (2) targets the: 1. Geodynamo and 2. Jovian atmosphere. The parameters and visualization examples for each model are listed at the beginning of each section.

Data for each simulation is kept in separate directories with the original output file structure as they were run. Parameters for each simulation are described in the file main_input.